ISO 27001 Certification - Renewal of ISO standards

ISO 27001 Certification - Renewal of ISO standards

First and unique, for the Greek standards, certified recognition of all standards for the waterways.

Spartan Security following closely the developments in international security standards at all levels, was certified in December 2018 in accordance with EN ISO 27001: 2013, ensuring the management of incoming information with complete security and care. The latest developments and the European Data Protection Regulation have put this standard on the list of targets for the coming 2018.

At the same time, Spartan Security has successfully completed the re-certification of the following international standards:

1. EN ISO 14001: 2015 (Environment)
2. OHSAS 18001: 2007 (Occupational Safety and Health)
3. EN ISO 9001: 2015 (Quality)


40, Ag. Anargiron street Koropi, 194 00
17 D. Sechou & Antimachidou street, Athens, 117 43
210 92 32 437

ΓΕΜΗ: 86872902000

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