30 Years Spartan Security, 30 Years Online Security Provider

30 Years Spartan Security, 30 Years Online Security Provider

Spartan Security has been operating since 1989 as a provider of a complete 24-hour electronic security. With a spectacular upward trend over the years, Spartan Security has succeeded in providing its loyal customers with the best security and protection services, acting as a leader in the security industry and becoming synonymous with safety.

Off course nothing is achieved overnight. The path to success and conquest of the peak requires hard work, dedication and patience.

Despite our long way,  we still have many steps ahead. With the support of our customers and partners, we continue to want to be better and provide you with reliable services for your safety. Choose Spartan Security for your safety and become part of our success.

30 Years of Spartan Security - 30 Years of Electronic Security Provider!




40, Ag. Anargiron street Koropi, 194 00
17 D. Sechou & Antimachidou street, Athens, 117 43
210 92 32 437

ΓΕΜΗ: 86872902000

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