Corporate Social Responsibility Actions
Visit to the Lyrio Children's Foundation "The Saints Anargyroi" "Orthodox Village" in Neos Voutzas, offering electronic items and toys to the children hosted at the institution. In addition to the corporate contribution, the voluntary support of the employees themselves with long-lasting food products was also very important, maximizing the overall effort and promotes teamwork and solidarity.
13/05/2023 ANIMA
Visit of the company's employees the Association for the Protection and Care, ANIMA Wildlife where they offered voluntary work in tree planting. They also contributed to the cleaning of the area and the bird cages.
31/05/2023 SEA DAYS
In the context of the “Sea Days” initiative, employees of Spartan Security voluntarily cleaned the beach of Freattyda, with love and respect for nature, showing once again social sensitivity and highlighting teamwork and collective spirit.
01/10/2023 RACE for the CURE
Employees of Spartan Security participated in the largest social sports event in Greece, "Race for the Cure®," supporting "Alma Zois," the Panhellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer, which aims to raise public awareness. Simultaneously, actively contributing to the financial support of the non-profit organization, the company was one of the supporters of the initiative in the category "Small Circles of Life."